This time, we're gonna discuss the differences and similarities between these two homophones. Well, ready to expand your knowledge?

"Road" vs. "Rode" in English

What Is Their Main Difference?

They are homophones. However, 'road' is a noun and it refers to a path on which vehicles move, while, 'rode' is the simple past tense and the past participle of the verb 'ride'.


'Rode' is the simple past tense and the past participle of the verb 'ride', whereas, 'road' is a noun and it is the path on which vehicles move. Look at the examples below:

I remember how he rode his horse everyday.

So, should I take the road on the right or on the left?


They only have similar pronunciations.

Are they Interchangeable?

Despite their identical pronunciations, they cannot be used instead of one another. 'Road' is a noun, while, 'rode' is a verb. Compare:

✓ Walk straight along the road and you'll reach the sea.

X Walk straight along the rode and you'll reach the sea.

As you can see, this one is grammatically wrong.


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