Adverbs of Degree
Adverbs of degree are mostly used before adjectives, adverbs, and verbs to intensify the term after them.
What Are Adverbs of Degree?
Adverbs of degree show the intensity or degree of something. They answer the questions 'how much' or 'to what extent'. These adverbs usually modify other verbs, adjectives, or adverbs and make them stronger or weaker.
Adverbs of Degree: Placement
Adverbs of degree are usually placed:
- before the main verb
The game is
- before the adjective or adverb
He ran
She is
Adverbs of Degree: Types
There are three kinds of adverbs of degree:
- Intensifiers
- Moderators
- Mitigators
Intensifiers are a type of adverb used to add emphasis or intensity to an adjective or adverb in a sentence. They help to modify the meaning of the word they are attached to, making it stronger or more forceful.
Intensifiers: Common Examples
Intensifiers: Types
Intensifiers are further categorized into two groups:
- Intensifier + gradable adjectives (those that can have measurable levels of degree or intensity)
- Intensifier + ungradable adjectives (those that describe an extreme or absolute state)
Gradable adjectives show a point on a scale. For example, cheap and expensive are adjectives on the scale of 'how much something costs.' On the other hand, ungradable adjectives represent the two extreme limits of the scale, like priceless and worthless.
Look at some examples:
Intensifier + gradable adjective | Intensifier + ungradable adjective |
That new jacket looks absolutely
We can make gradable adjectives stronger with very, but not with the adverb absolutely.
That new jacket looks
Moderators are relative based on the speaker's opinion. In other words, they are neither an intensifier nor a mitigator. For example:
- quite
- pretty
- fairly
- this
- that
This and That as Moderators
'This' and 'that' both can be used as moderators, but, when we use 'this' we are usually talking about a current or recent situation.
I need a box
He didn't expect to wait
However, when we use 'that' we are talking about a past situation. It can also mean we had some expectations in mind, but it was not met.
I know you like her, but she's not
I just had lunch at McCarran's. It wasn't
Mitigators, also known as downtoners, have the *opposite effect of intensifiers. They are used to make words and expressions less strong or forceful, reducing the emphasis on them.
These adverbs are commonly placed before the adjective or adverb.
Mitigators: Common Examples
Here are some common mitigators used to weaken the adjectives or adverbs:
- rather
- quite
- pretty
- a bit
- fairly
- slightly
- somewhat
That last question was
Special Case: Enough
Unlike other adverbs, 'enough' as an adverb of degree appears after the adjective or adverb that it is modifying, not before it.
It is used in positive and negative sentences.
Is your tea hot
You didn't work hard
'Enough' can also be used as a determiner. In that case, it will be placed before the noun it modifies.
It is used with plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns.
We have
There aren't
'Very' vs. 'Too'
'Very' is used to emphasize the degree or intensity of an adjective, adverb, or phrase, while 'too' implies that there is a problem or an excessive amount of the quality being described, making it more than what is acceptable or possible. Compare the examples:
Maria is
Maria is
This box is
This box is
Adverbs of degree are used to express how much or how intensified something is. They are placed:
- before the main verb
- before the adjective or adverb
- before or after the modal verb
- after the auxiliary verbs 'have' and 'be'