With vs. Within
In this lesson, we will learn the differences between 'with' and 'within' and when to use them.
What Is Their Main Difference?
The main difference between 'with' and 'within' is that 'within' is used as an adverb and a preposition while 'with' is used only as a preposition.
'With' can be used as a preposition:
- To indicate that something or someone was accompanied by another:
She was
They brought water
- To show that something is in the possession of someone or something. This can be a unique trait or an item:
The girl
The table
'Within' can be used as a prepostion to show that something is inside a boundary. This boundary could be physical or a concept like time. Have a look:
My only rival is
Here, it is referring to the concept of a rival being inside the mind of the speaker.
Here, the boundary is a location.
He wakes up
Here, the boundary is a time frame.
'Within' can also be used as an adverb to convey the meaning of 'inside.' For example:
The victims were buried
The clues are