'Even though' and 'in spite of' are synonyms. In this lesson, we will learn when to use each of them and their parts of speech.

"Even Though" vs. "In Spite Of" in the English grammar

What Is Their Main Difference?

The main difference between 'even though' and 'in spite of' is in their parts of speech. 'Even though' is a conjunction while 'in spite of' is a preposition.

Parts of Speech

'Even though' is a conjunction. It is classified as a subordinating conjunction. It is used to join clauses.
'In spite of' is a preposition. It is classified as a compound preposition.

Even though she wasn't strong, she lifted the heavy box.

In spite of her lack of strength, she lifted the heavy box..


'Even though' and 'in spite of' are synonyms. They are used to show that something is happening despite a hurdle. The result is often unexpected and surprising.

She was happy even though she lost the game.

She was happy in spite of her defeat in the game.


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