Articles related to "conjunctions of concession"

conjunctions of concession

Conjunctions of concession indicate a contrast between two clauses. They show that an event takes place in contrast with another event.

Even Though vs. Despite

'Even though' and 'despite' are confused by learners when it comes to using them. In this lesson, we will learn all about them.


Although vs. Despite

'Although' and 'despite' are used to convey contrast. In this lesson, we will learn their similarities and differences.


Though vs. Even Though

'Though' and 'even though' may confuse learners as they are visually similar. In this lesson, we will discover their similarities and differences.


Although vs. While

'Although' and 'while' express that something has happened in spite of a hurdle. In this lesson, we will learn their differences and similarities.


Although vs. However

'Although' and 'however' express the meaning 'despite.' In this lesson, we will learn their uses, differences, and similarities.


Although vs. In Spite Of

'Although' and 'in spite of' express contrasting ideas. In this lesson, we will learn their similarities and differences.


While vs. Whereas

'While' and 'whereas' are confused by learners as they are close in meaning. In this lesson, we will learn their uses, similarities, and differences.


Though vs. However

'Though' and 'however' function as contrasting words. In this lesson, we will learn their uses, differences, and similarities.


Even Though vs. Even So

'Even though' and 'even so' are mistaken by learners because of their similar pronounciations. In this lesson, we will discover more about them.


Although vs. Even Though

'Although' and 'even though' are confused by learners due to their similar appearance. In this lesson, we will learn their similarities and differences.


Although vs. Albeit

'Although' and 'albeit' are conjunction. 'Albeit' can sometimes replace 'although.' In this lesson, we will learn more about them.


Conjunctions of Concession

Conjunctions are categorized into different groups. In this lesson, we will learn about conjunctions of concession.


Even Though vs. In Spite Of

'Even though' and 'in spite of' are synonyms. In this lesson, we will learn when to use each of them and their parts of speech.

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