'As long as' and 'as much as' are used to help us make comparisons. In this lesson, we will compare the two and find out their similarities and differences.

"As Long As" vs. "As Much As" in the English grammar

What Is Their Main Difference?

The main difference between 'as long as' and 'as much as' is in the meaning they convey. 'As long as' shows time and duration while 'as much as' shows quantity.


As long as

  • 'As long as' is used to mean 'if.' We use it to express conditions, possible results, and requirements.

I was convinced that as long as harry is distracted, I can enjoy a few minutes of peace.

  • 'As long as' is also used to compare length.

This rope is as long as that green rope.

As much as

  • We use 'as much as' to compare quantity. Note that the noun is used as shown in the pattern: as + much + noun + as

I can't spend as much money as she does on books.

We can also use the following pattern to show surprise at the amount of something.

  • as much as + amount

She spent as much as 500 dollars for a pair of shoes.

  • We can also use 'as much as' to show that something is happening despite a hurdle.

As much as I like her, I did not enjoy her party.

Parts of Speech

'As long as' and 'as much as' are conjunctions. They are used to connect clauses.

I would invite her as long as she behaves.

As much as I hate her, I have to invite her to my party.


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As Long As vs. If

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'As long as' and 'if' are conjunctions that talk about conditions. In this lesson, we will discover their uses and differences.

As Long As vs. Provided That

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As Long As vs. While

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As Long As vs. So Long As

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