dummy verbs


dummy verbs


As you may know, 'go' is a common verb in the English language. In this lesson, we are going to learn all there is about it.



Do you know the difference between 'My mom made a cake' and 'You have to make that decision.'? Well, we are gonna learn all about it in this lesson.



'Get' is a common verb in English and can take many meanings. In this lesson, we are going to learn all about it.



'Do' can be an auxiliary verb or a main verb. We can also conjugate it. In this lesson, we will learn more about it.



Another common verb in the English language is 'give'. I'm sure you've heard it a lot. In this lesson, we will learn all there is about it.



'Have' can be an auxiliary verb or a main verb. It has no specific meaning as an auxiliary verb. In this lesson, we will learn all about it.


Dummy Verbs

Have you ever repeated a word too much that made you think How boring it got! You can use dummy verbs instead of repeated verbs.



You have probably heard 'Take' many times in English. In this lesson, we are going to learn all about it.

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