


Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions joins subordinate or dependent clauses to the main or independent clauses. To know all about these tricky grammatical words, click!


Unless vs. If

Unless and if are used to introduce conditions but they are not interchangeable. In this lesson, we will learn more about them.


Compound-complex Sentences

A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Let's get to know it in detail!



'Unless' is commonly used by English language speakers. In this lesson, we will learn all about this word and when and how to use it.


Unless vs. Until

'Unless' and 'until' have different meanings but they confuse the learners. In this lesson, we will learn more about them.


Unless vs. As Long As

'Unless' and 'as long as' are used instead of 'if.' In this lesson, we will learn when and how to use them.


Conjunctions of Condition

As their name requires, conjunctions of condition are used to express events that need a special condition to happen.


Unless vs. Otherwise

'Unless' and 'otherwise' may confuse learners as they are used to express negative meanings. In this lesson, we will learn their difference.

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