المفردات المتقدمة للاختبار GRE - ما الذي يدور في ذهنك؟
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالرأي، مثل "belie"، و"deem"، و"maintenance"، وما إلى ذلك، اللازمة لامتحان GRE.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
not based on reason but on chance or personal impulse, which is often unfair
عشوائي, تعسفي
to create an impression of something or someone that is false
يخدع, يُظهر عكس
to decisively conclude something, such as an argument or a contract
إنهاء, إتمام
to express agreement with a particular opinion, statement, action, etc.
يتفق, يتوافق
in a way that is different from what has been mentioned
بالعكس, على العكس
to give or have opinions that differ from those officially or commonly accepted
يعبر عن dissent, يخالف
deliberately not having one obvious meaning and therefore open to interpretation, often intended to deceive
غامض, غير واضح
intended to be understood and known by a small group of people who possess a specific type of knowledge
باطني, سري
a supporter of a theory, belief, idea, etc. who tries to persuade others that it is true or good in order to gain their support
مدافع, ناشط
to indicate in advance that something, particularly something bad, will take place
يعتبر علامة على, يشير إلى
used to introduce additional information that explains the extent or reasons for something
من حيث أن, حيث أن
conveying something whilst using a very small number of words
موجز, مختصر
to firmly and persistently express an opinion, belief, or statement as true and valid
يؤكد, يثبت
to state one's opinion in such a manner that shows one believes to be the only person to fully know it and be unarguably correct
يتحدث بتعالي, يدلي برأيه بفخر
a type of teasing and joking that is friendly and good-natured
مزاح, ممازحة
to argue and express one's disagreement or objection to something
احتج, اعترض
excessively unreasonable or unfair and therefore unacceptable
غير مقبول, غير معقول
to criticize someone for doing or saying something that one believes to be wrong
لوم, عاب
a type of criticism or insult that is hurtful and angry
شتيمة, إهانة
able to think and express oneself in a way that is clear and comprehensible, particularly if one usually does not have this ability