বই Solutions - উন্নত - ভূমিকা - আই.এ
এখানে আপনি Introduction থেকে শব্দভান্ডার পাবেন - IA in the Solutions Advanced coursebook, যেমন "bump into", "cleft", "work out" ইত্যাদি।
to unexpectedly meet someone, particularly someone familiar

মিলে যাওয়া, আবির্ভাব হওয়া

to come together as previously scheduled for social interaction or a prearranged purpose

মিলিত হওয়া, মিলন করা

to own, manage, or organize something such as a business, campaign, a group of animals, etc.

পরিচালনা করা, সম্পাদকীয় করা

to not leave until a person or thing is ready or present or something happens

অপেক্ষা করা, পাহারা দেওয়া

the system of communication by spoken or written words, that the people of a particular country or region use

ভাষা, লেখা

a group of words that forms a statement, question, exclamation, or instruction, usually containing a verb

বাক্য, ফ্রেজ

to embellish or enhance a piece of writing, particularly blank verse or prose, by introducing rhymes or rhyming elements

শোভিত করা, সুন্দর করা

(grammar) a type of subordinate clause that provides additional information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence

আপেক্ষিক ক্লজ, আপেক্ষিক বাক্যাংশ

(grammar) referring to a type of relative clause that provides essential information about the noun or pronoun it modifies

নির্ধারণকারী, সীমানা নির্ধারণকারী

(grammar) characterizing a clause that relies on additional elements, incapable of standing solo as a full sentence in its structure

নির্ভরশীল, অতিরিক্ত

(grammar) a word that comes before a noun or pronoun to indicate location, direction, time, manner, or the relationship between two objects


(grammar) the act of omitting a word or words from a sentence, when the meaning is complete and the omission is understood from the context

এলিপসিস, অবচয়

(grammar) a form of a verb that functions as a noun and is formed by adding the suffix -ing to the base form of the verb

জরুন্ড, জরুন্ড

(grammar) a type of relative clause that provides additional information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence but is not essential to the meaning of the sentence

অসংজ্ঞায়িত, নির্বন্ধক নয়

(grammar) a verb form that typically ends in -ing and is used to indicate ongoing actions, continuous states, or simultaneous actions in relation to the main verb of a sentence

বর্তমান অংশবিশেষ, অ্যাকটিভ গাণিতিক

(grammar) a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and functions as a unit within a sentence

ধারা, বাক্যাংশ