সি২ স্তরের শব্দতালিকা - Accommodation
এখানে আপনি আবাসন সম্পর্কে কথা বলার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় সমস্ত শব্দ শিখবেন, বিশেষভাবে C2 স্তরের শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য সংগ্রহ করা হয়েছে।
the act of renting a property to a tenant by someone who is a tenant himself
সাবলিজ, উপক্রীড়া
a room with a roof and walls made of glass, often affixed to one side of a building, used for relaxing or growing plants in
গ্রীনহাউস, অরেঞ্জারি
a large building consisting of several apartments, particularly in a poor neighborhood
ভাড়াটে বাড়ি, মাল্টিপল ফ্ল্যাট বিল্ডিং
a legal document that a person signs, particularly one proving the fact that they own a property
দলীল, নথি
living accommodations, often within a larger building, used by individuals or groups, such as military personnel or employees
কোয়ার্টার, বাসস্থান
a place for living in, such as a house, apartment, etc.
বাসস্থান, নিবাস
a house, especially a farmhouse, with the land and buildings surrounding it
আবাস, মাঠের বাড়ি
a large country house or mansion, typically of French origin, often associated with luxury, grandeur, and historical significance
শাটো, বড় বাড়ি
a fireplace built into a wall where fires can be lit
চুলা, অভ্যন্তরীণ অগ্নিকুণ্ড
a place that provides safety, peace, and favorable living conditions for humans or animals
আশ্রয়, অভয়ারণ্য
a place of residence, such as a house, apartment, or any other type of shelter
বাসস্থান, আবাস
a small secondary residence, typically located in a city or urban area, that is used as a temporary or occasional dwelling
পিয়াদে-তেরে, দ্বিতীয় আবাস
temporary accommodations, such as hotels, hostels, or rented rooms
আবাস, জলপান
a small, simple cottage often constructed from basic materials
ছোট বাড়ি, শান্তি
a small roofed building with open sides, usually in a garden
গাজেবো, কিয়স্ক
a building of small size, such as a shed or garage, that shares a wall and roof with a building of larger size
সাথের ঘর, ছোট আশ্রয়
a building or a set of buildings for soldiers to live in
ক্যাসার্ন, শিবির
a circular portable tent, particularly used in Siberia and Mongolia
a small structure, gallery, or summerhouse that usually has an open side and provides an excellent view
বেলভিডির, দৃশ্যপটে
a type of traditional dwelling made from sun-dried bricks, commonly found in arid and warm regions
অ্যাডোবি বাড়ি, মাটি দ্বারা নির্মিত বাড়ি
a hut, shelter, or cabin, usually at a swimming pool or beach
কাবানা, কুঁড়েঘর
a single-story residential dwelling with a long, low profile and an open floor plan
রাঞ্চ বাড়ি, এক তলাবিশিষ্ট বাড়ি
the process of filling empty spaces in cities or neighborhoods within a built environment
ইনফিল, ভরা
the process of renovating a neighborhood, typically resulting in the displacement of lower-income residents due to rising rent prices
জেন্ট্রিফিকেশন, নবায়ন
an owner of a house of land in a location where people are exceedingly poor and have really bad living conditions, who demands rents more than one can afford
বস্তির মালিক, গৌণ নির্ভরশীল মালিক
a sitting room in a house reserved especially for entertaining guests
অবসরের ঘর, সালান