500 Nejčastějších Anglických Sloves - Nejlepších 126 – 150 sloves
Zde je uvedena část 6 seznamu nejběžnějších sloves v angličtině, jako je „pass“, „raise“ a „drop“.
to approach a specific place, object, or person and move past them
projít, přeskočit
to come to a certain level or state, or a specific point in time
dosáhnout, dostat se k
to make something using raw materials or different components
produkovat, vyrábět
to have actual presence or reality, even if no one is thinking about it or noticing it
existovat, být
to prevent someone or something from being damaged or harmed
chránit, ochraňovat
to put something or someone in a higher place or lift them to a higher position
zvednout, pozvednout
to let or make something fall to the ground
pustit, nechat spadnout
to contain or include something as a necessary part
zahrnovat, implicovat
to make a picture of something using a pencil, pen, etc. without coloring it
kreslit, narysovat
to move in a direction by turning over and over or from one side to another repeatedly
kutálet, otáčet
to need or demand something as necessary for a particular purpose or situation
vyžadovat, potřebovat
to consider something or someone important and to have a feeling of worry or concern toward them
pečovat o, starat se o
to choose someone or something out of a group of people or things
vybrat, zvolit
to stop and hold an object that is moving through the air by hands
chytit, zachytit
to let someone leave a place in which they have been confined or stuck
uvolnit, propustit
to quickly move from a higher place toward the ground
padat, spadnout
to be given something or to accept something that is sent
přijmout, dostávat
to give details about someone or something to say what they are like
popisovat, charakterizovat
to say, write, or take action in response to a question or situation
odpovídat, reaktovat