500 Nejčastějších Anglických Sloves - Nejlepších 476 – 500 sloves
Zde je uvedena část 20 seznamu nejběžnějších sloves v angličtině, jako je „obtěžovat se“, „strašit“ a „plavat“.
to succeed in solving, controlling, or dealing with something difficult

překonat, porazit

to annoy or trouble someone, especially when they are busy or want to be left alone

obtěžovat, trápit

to pursue wild animals in order to kill or catch them, for sport or food

lovit, pronásledovat

to express your annoyance, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction about something

stěžovat si, reptat

to break apart violently and noisily in a way that causes destruction

vybuchnout, explodovat

to move through water by moving parts of the body, typically arms and legs

plavat, vykonávat plavání

(of a construction) to fall down suddenly, particularly due to being damaged or weak

zkolabovat, zhroucení

to do physical activities or sports to stay healthy and become stronger

cvičit, procvičovat

to cause severe damage or harm to something, usually in a way that is beyond repair

zkazit, zničit

to ask something from someone in an urgent and forceful manner

požadovat, vyžadovat