a word or expression that is used instead of a harsh or insulting one in order to be more tactful and polite


[Podstatné jméno]
a situation in which all those involved are in complete agreement on something

jednomyslnost, shoda

[Podstatné jméno]
showing a proud, unpleasant attitude toward others and having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

arogantní, domýšlivý

[Přídavné jméno]
to arrogate
to claim a right, title, or authority to something, often without proper justification

přebrat, uzurpovat

(of a woman's body) curvy and attractive with full breasts and wide hips

svůdný, vášnivý

[Přídavné jméno]
displaying behavior that hides true intentions or feelings to mislead or trick

klamný, podvodný

[Přídavné jméno]
dead heat
a race in which two or more competitors finish at the exact same time

mrtvý závod, vyrovnaný závod

[Podstatné jméno]

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