
Kniha Four Corners 3 - Lekce 12 lekce A

Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 12 lekce A v učebnici Four Corners 3, jako je „ruční práce“, „divočina“, „odměňování“ atd.









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Four Corners 3

a span of time which we do not work or go to school, and spend traveling or resting instead, particularly in a different city, country, etc.

dovolená, prázdniny

dovolená, prázdniny

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a journey for pleasure, during which we visit several different places

tur, exkurze

tur, exkurze

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something that a person spends time doing, particularly to accomplish a certain purpose

aktivity, čin

aktivity, čin

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to buy

to get something in exchange for paying money

koupit, získat

koupit, získat

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an object made by hand rather than one manufactured by a machine

řemeslo, ruční práce

řemeslo, ruční práce

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to go

to travel or move from one location to another

jít, cestovat

jít, cestovat

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a place where people, especially young people, go to dance, listen to music, or spend time together

klub, diskotéka

klub, diskotéka

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to listen

to give our attention to the sound a person or thing is making

poslouchat, slyšet

poslouchat, slyšet

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used when an event or performance is happening at the present moment or being broadcast in real-time

naživo, v reálném čase

naživo, v reálném čase

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a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to



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to see

to notice a thing or person with our eyes

vidět, pozorovat

vidět, pozorovat

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all wild animals, considered as a whole, living in the natural environment

divoká příroda, zvířata

divoká příroda, zvířata

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to speak

to use one's voice to express a particular feeling or thought

mluvit, vyjadřovat

mluvit, vyjadřovat

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related or belonging to a country or region other than your own

cizí, zahraniční

cizí, zahraniční

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the system of communication by spoken or written words, that the people of a particular country or region use

jazyk, řeč

jazyk, řeč

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to try

to test something by doing or using it to find out if it is suitable, useful, good, etc.

zkusit, vyzkoušet

zkusit, vyzkoušet

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related or belonging to a particular area or place that someone lives in or mentions

místní, lokální

místní, lokální

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things that people and animals eat, such as meat or vegetables

jídlo, potrava

jídlo, potrava

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to visit

to go somewhere for a short time, especially to see something

navštívit, pokračovat

navštívit, pokračovat

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a structure or a place that is historically important

orientační bod, historická památka

orientační bod, historická památka

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someone who enlists in the armed forces without being forced



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a method or style of cooking that is specific to a country or region

kuchyně, gastronomie

kuchyně, gastronomie

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the general beliefs, customs, and lifestyles of a specific society

kultura, civilizace

kultura, civilizace

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the skill and knowledge we gain from doing, feeling, or seeing things

zkušenost, poznání

zkušenost, poznání

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feeling worried or troubled about a particular situation or issue

znepokojený, obávající se

znepokojený, obávající se

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to protect

to prevent someone or something from being damaged or harmed

chránit, ochraňovat

chránit, ochraňovat

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(of an activity) making one feel satisfied by giving one a desirable outcome

odměňující, uspokojující

odměňující, uspokojující

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to spend

to pass time in a particular manner or in a certain place

trávit, vydávat

trávit, vydávat

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the state of feeling anxiety

obava, starost

obava, starost

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a small fact or piece of information

detail, informace

detail, informace

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to specialize

to have the necessary knowledge, experience, or set of skills in a particular field

specializovat se, specializuje

specializovat se, specializuje

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to organize

to make the necessary arrangements for an event or activity to take place

organizovat, naplánovat

organizovat, naplánovat

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