Kniha Interchange - Středně pokročilý - 1. díl - 1. díl
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Unit 1 - Part 1 v učebnici Interchange Intermediate, jako je "paměť", držení", "outdoor" atd.
the ability of mind to keep and remember past events, people, experiences, etc.


the town or city where a person grew up or was born

rodné město, domovské město

a person or organization that hires and pays individuals for a variety of jobs

zaměstnavatel, firma

the desire to find out or learn more about a person or thing

zájem, zvědavost

to move through water by moving parts of the body, typically arms and legs

plavat, vykonávat plavání

a location where people stay temporarily, typically in tents or temporary structures

kemp, stanoviště

(of a place or space) located outside in a natural or open-air setting, without a roof or walls

venkovní, na otevřeném vzduchu

in a way that relates to the beginning or source of something

původně, na začátku

a large place where people go and pay to have fun and enjoy games, rides, or other activities

zábavní park, zábavní areál

a small animal that has soft fur, a tail, and four legs and we often keep it as a pet

kočka, kocour

a book that tells a story with a series of pictures and words, often featuring superheroes or adventure

komiks, ilustrovaný příběh

a digital game that we play on a computer, game console, or mobile device

videohra, počítačová hra

a playing area built outdoors for children, particularly inside parks or schools

hřiště, dětské hřiště

a small piece of paper or plastic with a sticky substance on one side that can be attached to an object as a label, decoration, or indicator

nálepka, sticker

a toy that looks like a bear and is made of soft materials

noun: plyšový medvěd, noun: medvídek

an animal that has a hard shell around its body and lives mainly in water


to look at a thing or person and pay attention to it for some time

sledovat, pozorovat

a movie or TV show, made by photographing a series of drawings or models rather than real people or objects

animovaný film, karikatura

the part of space where someone or something is or they should be

místo, prostor

an animal such as a dog or cat that we keep and care for at home

domácí zvíře, mazlíček

(usually plural) anything that a person has or owns at a specific time

majetek, věci

a set of ideas and activities involved in governing a country, state, or city


to consider something or someone important and to have a feeling of worry or concern toward them

pečovat o, starat se o