Všeobecný Trénink IELTS (Pásmo 6-7) - Společenské akce
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související se společenskými událostmi, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku General Training IELTS.
a charitable event or bazaar where goods are sold to raise money for a specific cause

veltrh, dobročinný trh

a conference or meeting where experts discuss a particular topic or set of topics

symposium, konference

the act or process of coming together again after being separated

shromáždění, znovushledání

a meal with fine food or a large meal for many people celebrating a special event

hodování, banket

an organization that helps those in need by giving them money, food, etc.

charita, dobročinná organizace

an event that is intended to emphasize the positive aspects of someone

prezentace, výstava

the first night in which a play is publicly performed or a movie is presented for public view

premiéra, otevírací noc

a social event where a person stays overnight at someone else's house, usually for fun

párty s přespáním, pěkně strávená noc

a party held for a man by his male friends, who is about to get married

rozlučka se svobodou, pánská jízda

an event held to honor and remember a deceased individual or a significant occurrence

památka, pietní akce

a formal dance or gathering of high school students, typically held at the end of the senior year

maturitní ples, prom

an informal gathering or event where people with shared interests come together to network, learn, or socialize

setkání, schůzka

a gathering where professionals connect, share information, and establish business relationships

síťová akce, profesionální setkání