Slovesa Vyvolávající Emoce - Slovesa pro vyvolání zájmu a míru
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na vyvolání zájmu a klidu, jako je „bavit se“, „uklidňovat“ a „uklidňovat“.
to amuse someone so that they have an enjoyable time
bavit, zachycovat
to engage or occupy someone in an amusing or enjoyable manner
pobavit, rozptýlit
to do something that stops someone's anger or dissatisfaction, usually by being friendly or giving them what they want
smířit, uklidnit
to do something that lessens someone's anger or sadness
uklidnit, zmírnit
to cause someone or something to become less upset, angry, or nervous
uklidnit, zklidnit
to capture someone's interest or curiosity
intrigovat, zaujmout
to fill someone with the desire or motivation to do something, especially something creative or positive
inspirovat, podnítit
to capture someone's interest or curiosity
fascinovat, zaujmout
to find something attractive enough to want to know about it more or keep doing it
zaujmout, zajímat se o
to absorb all of someone's attention or time, captivating them completely
pohlcovat, uchvátit
to make one's time enjoyable by doing something that is interesting and does not make one bored
bavit, rozveselit