Základní 1 - Položky nabídky
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o položkách menu, jako je „hovězí maso“, „těstoviny“ a „dezert“, připravené pro studenty základních škol.
food that is quickly prepared and served, such as hamburgers, pizzas, etc.
rychlé občerstvení, fast food
a dish that we can make by mixing cooked pasta with other ingredients and sauces
pasta, pokrm z těstovin
a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty made from ground beef, served between two buns
hamburger, sendvič s masovým burgerem
a sausage served hot in a long soft piece of bread
hot dog, párek v rohlíku
a type of thin, long food made with flour and egg, eaten in a soup or with sauce
nudle, těstoviny
a food that is made by baking fruits, vegetables, or meat inside one or multiple layers of pastry
koláč, pizzu
a dish that consists of eggs mixed together and cooked in a frying pan
a thin, round piece of potato, cooked in hot oil and eaten cold as a snack
bramborové chipsy, bramborová chipsa
a small meal that is usually eaten between the main meals or when there is not much time for cooking
svačina, snack
a large piece of meat or fish cut into thick slices
steak, tkáň