500 Häufigste Englische Verben - Top 426 - 450 Verben
Hier finden Sie Teil 18 der Liste der gebräuchlichsten Verben im Englischen wie „trade“, „cancel“ und „judge“.
to give someone or something the means or ability to do something
ermöglichen, aktivieren
to regain complete health after a period of sickness or injury
sich erholen, wiederherstellen
to decide or tell that something arranged before will now not happen
to say that one is willing to damage something or hurt someone if one's demands are not met
bedrohen, drohen
to form a decision or opinion based on what one knows
urteilen, bewerten
to refuse to admit the truth or existence of something
leugnen, ablehnen
to cook food, usually in an oven, without any extra fat or liquid
backen, gebacken
to have an effect on a particular person or thing
beeinflussen, Einfluss nehmen auf
to make our mouth curve upwards, often in a way that our teeth can be seen, to show that we are happy or amused
to be in motion on a body of water or current of air at a slow pace
treiben, schweben
to choose and arrange the parts that are crucial to the story of a movie, show, etc. and cut out unnecessary ones
to reach or achieve what one desired or tried for
erfolgreich sein, gelingen
to put clothes and other things needed for travel into a bag, suitcase, etc.
packen, einpacken
to reconsider something, especially in order to make a decision about it or make modifications to it
überprüfen, bewerten
to direct or participate in the management, organization, or execution of something
führen, leiten
(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal
to say or feel that someone or something is responsible for a mistake or problem
beschuldigen, vorwerfen
to increase something by two times its original amount or value
verdoppeln, doppelt machen