500 Vanligaste Engelska Verben - Topp 426 - 450 verb
Här får du del 18 av listan över de vanligaste verben på engelska som "trade", "avbryt" och "döma".
to give someone or something the means or ability to do something

möjliggöra, aktivera

to decide or tell that something arranged before will now not happen

avboka, annullera

to say that one is willing to damage something or hurt someone if one's demands are not met

hotar, aga

to make our mouth curve upwards, often in a way that our teeth can be seen, to show that we are happy or amused


to choose and arrange the parts that are crucial to the story of a movie, show, etc. and cut out unnecessary ones

redigera, klippa

to put clothes and other things needed for travel into a bag, suitcase, etc.

packa, förpacka

to reconsider something, especially in order to make a decision about it or make modifications to it

granska, överväga

to direct or participate in the management, organization, or execution of something

leda, utföra

(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal

gripa, arrestera

to say or feel that someone or something is responsible for a mistake or problem

beskylla, anklaga