Pronomen und Bestimmungswörter - Nominale Relativpronomen
Nominale Relativpronomen fungieren als Substantive innerhalb von Sätzen und repräsentieren häufig abstrakte Ideen, Konzepte oder ganze Phrasen.
used to represent an entire idea, concept, or clause within a sentence that acts as the subject or object of the verb or preposition
was, das
used to represent a clause, idea, or concept that acts as the subject or object of the verb or preposition
welcher, welche
used to represent the time when something happens as the subject or object of verb or preposition
wann, als
used to represent the place where something took place as the subject or object of verb or preposition
wo, wohin
used to represent a person as the subject or object of verb or preposition in a sentence
used to introduce the reason for an action as the subject or object of the verb or preposition
warum, der Grund
used to represent the manner, method, or means of fulfilling an action as the subject or object of verb or preposition
used to represent the person who receives the action of the verb in the relative clause as the subject or object of verb or preposition
wen, denjenigen
used to represent anything or everything as the subject or object of verb or preposition
was auch immer, alles
used as a placeholder in the sense of any one that or any one of those that
welcher, jeder
used as a placeholder to refer to the time something happens
Wann immer, Wenn du ankommst
used as a place holder to refer to a place
wo auch immer du bist, an jedem Ort
used as a placeholder in the sense of any person who or anyone who
wer auch immer, jemand
used as a placeholder of object of verb or preposition in the sense of any person who
wen auch immer, wer auch immer