대명사 및 한정사 - 명목상 관계 대명사
명목상 관계 대명사는 문장 내에서 명사 역할을 하며, 종종 추상적인 생각, 개념 또는 전체 문구를 나타냅니다.
used to represent an entire idea, concept, or clause within a sentence that acts as the subject or object of the verb or preposition

무엇, 어떤 것

used to represent a clause, idea, or concept that acts as the subject or object of the verb or preposition

어떤, 그

used to represent the time when something happens as the subject or object of verb or preposition

언제, 때

used to represent the place where something took place as the subject or object of verb or preposition

어디서, 어디에

used to introduce the reason for an action as the subject or object of the verb or preposition

왜, 이유

used to represent the manner, method, or means of fulfilling an action as the subject or object of verb or preposition


used to represent the person who receives the action of the verb in the relative clause as the subject or object of verb or preposition

누구를, 에게

used to represent anything or everything as the subject or object of verb or preposition

무엇이든, 당신이 요리하는 어떤 것이든