Pronume și Determinanți - Pronume relativ nominale
Pronumele nominale relative funcționează ca substantive în cadrul propozițiilor, reprezentând adesea idei abstracte, concepte sau fraze întregi.
Fișe de studiu
used to represent an entire idea, concept, or clause within a sentence that acts as the subject or object of the verb or preposition
ce, ceea ce
used to represent a clause, idea, or concept that acts as the subject or object of the verb or preposition
care, pe care
used to represent the time when something happens as the subject or object of verb or preposition
când, atunci când
used to represent the place where something took place as the subject or object of verb or preposition
unde, oriunde
used to represent a person as the subject or object of verb or preposition in a sentence
used to introduce the reason for an action as the subject or object of the verb or preposition
de ce, motivul pentru care
used to represent the manner, method, or means of fulfilling an action as the subject or object of verb or preposition
used to represent the person who receives the action of the verb in the relative clause as the subject or object of verb or preposition
pe cine, cine
used to represent anything or everything as the subject or object of verb or preposition
orice, orice ai gândit
used as a placeholder in the sense of any one that or any one of those that
oricare, cel care
used as a placeholder to refer to the time something happens
Ori de câte ori, Când ajungi
used as a place holder to refer to a place
oriunde te-ai afla, în orice loc în care ești
used as a placeholder in the sense of any person who or anyone who
oricine, cineva care
used as a placeholder of object of verb or preposition in the sense of any person who
oricine, cineva