Επίθετα που Προκαλούν Ένα Συγκεκριμένο Συναίσθημα - Επίθετα αρνητικών συναισθημάτων
Αυτά τα επίθετα περιγράφουν τα οδυνηρά και δυσάρεστα συναισθήματα που βιώνουν τα άτομα, όπως «λυπημένος», «θυμωμένος», «ανήσυχος», «απογοητευμένος» κ.λπ.
getting a bad and anxious feeling from a person or thing because we think something bad or dangerous will happen
feeling unhappy and afraid because of something that has happened or might happen
feeling unhappy, worried, or disappointed, often because something unpleasant happened
feeling nervous or worried because of thinking something unpleasant might happen
feeling embarrassed, guilty, or sorry about one's actions, characteristics, or circumstances
feeling nervous or worried, especially about something unpleasant that might happen soon
feeling hopeless, discouraged, or in low spirits, often due to a sense of failure or loss
feeling disappointed and sad, especially due to experiencing an unexpected failure
experiencing intense sadness, grief, or disappointment due to a broken romantic relationship or other loss