Συνδέσμοι - Συνδέσεις του χρόνου
Οι χρονικοί σύνδεσμοι είναι λέξεις που συνδέουν προτάσεις υποδεικνύοντας χρονικές σχέσεις μεταξύ τους.
used to say that something is happening at the same time with another
used to indicate that two things happen at the same time or during something else
used to indicate a period of time during which an action takes place or a state of affairs exists, often denoting simultaneous or concurrent events
from a time in the past until a particular time, typically the present
από εκείνη την εποχή
used to denote a continuous period of time starting from a particular event or point in the past and continuing until the present or a specified time
από τότε
used to express that something happens at the same time or right after another thing
used to describe a duration or period of time during which something happens or continues to be true
used to describe a duration or period of time during which something happens or continues to be true
εφ' όσον
used to indicate a point in time before which an action or event has occurred or will occur
used to emphasize the present moment in relation to the topic under discussion
στο παρόν
used to express the idea of something happening or being done at the appropriate or necessary times
όπως και πότε
used to indicate simultaneous action to show that one action or situation occurs at the same time as another
ακόμη και ως