Απόφαση, Πρόταση και Υποχρέωση - Συμβουλή και Σύμβουλος
Εδώ θα μάθετε μερικές αγγλικές λέξεις που σχετίζονται με συμβουλές και συμβουλές, όπως "αξία", "παρόρμηση" και "κήρυγμα".
a priest or priestess serving as a mediator through whom the gods were thought to give their message in classical antiquity
a piece of advice or an opinion that someone offers one concerning what to do or how to act in a particular situation or circumstance
to give advice to people about what they should or should not do in a way that might annoy or bore them
a suggestion or piece of advice given to someone officially, especially about the course of action that they should take
a detailed principle that clarifies what one should do in a particular situation or circumstance
to deliver a religious speech, often with the intention of imparting moral or spiritual guidance
used to describe a situation in which an incompetent or inexperienced person is advising others who have no knowledge or experience at all