El libro Solutions - Avanzado - Unidad 1 - 1E
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de las Unidades 1 - 1E del libro de curso Solutions Advanced, como "captar", "integrarse", "tener en cuenta", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
to transfer the possession or ownership of something to another person

trasmitir, pasar

to match well with the environment and become a part of the surroundings

integrarse, camuflarse

to deliver a person accused of a crime to the authorities

entregar, dejar en manos

to choose someone as an example and follow their behavior or choices

seguir el ejemplo de, tomar como modelo a

to have a great deal of respect, admiration, or esteem for someone

respetar, admirar

to investigate or explore something in order to gather information or understand it better

to provide explanations or reasons for a particular situation or set of circumstances

to make something seem more important or noticeable by highlighting it

resaltar, destacar