Kniha Solutions - Pokročilý - Jednotka 1 - 1E
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Unit 1 - 1E v učebnici Solutions Advanced, jako je "catch on", "blend in", "account for" atd.
to transfer the possession or ownership of something to another person
předat, přenést
to discover, meet, or find someone or something by accident
narazit na, objevit náhodou
to combine something with another substance or element
smíchat, kombinovat
to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining
snášet, tolerovat
to leave suddenly, especially to show discontent
náhle odejít, vystoupit
to deliver a person accused of a crime to the authorities
předat, o předání
to choose someone as an example and follow their behavior or choices
brát si příklad z, následovat
(of a concept, trend, or idea) to become popular
stát se populárním, rozšířit se
to have a great deal of respect, admiration, or esteem for someone
ctít, obdivovat
to create a false or fictional story or information
vymyslet, vytvořit
to decline an invitation, request, or offer
odmítnout, zamítnout
to investigate or explore something in order to gather information or understand it better
prošetřit, zkoumat
to provide explanations or reasons for a particular situation or set of circumstances
vysvětlit, zúčtovat
to make something seem more important or noticeable by highlighting it
zdůraznit, vyzdvihnout
to sign a contract agreeing to do a job
přihlásit se, uzavřít smlouvu
to move from a higher location to a lower one
sestoupit, klesnout
to be socially fit for or belong within a particular group or environment
zapadnout, přizpůsobit se
to defend or support someone or something
bránit, podporovat
to escape punishment for one's wrong actions
uniknout trestu, vyváznout bez trestu
to be the most important factor in a situation
spočítat se na, záviset na