
Comportamiento, Actitud y Enfoque - Esperanza y perspectiva positiva

Explore los proverbios ingleses que representan la esperanza y una actitud positiva, como "no está perdido todo lo que está en peligro" y "la hora más oscura es justo antes del amanecer".




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it is an ill wind that blows no one any good

said to suggest that there is potential for good or positive outcomes, even in the face of adversity

all is not lost that is in peril

used to suggest that there is still hope for a situation or outcome that is at risk or in danger, emphasizing the importance of maintaining optimism and perseverance in difficult times

No todo está perdido, todo lo que está en peligro.

No todo está perdido, todo lo que está en peligro.

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the better the day, the better the deed

used to suggest that a good day or positive mindset can serve as a driving force for individuals to perform better and achieve success in their endeavors

better to light a (single) candle than to curse the darkness

used to suggest taking positive action, even if it is small, is more effective and productive than simply complaining or criticizing a situation without doing anything to improve it

mejor encender una sola vela que maldecir la oscuridad

mejor encender una sola vela que maldecir la oscuridad

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the darkest hour is just before the dawn

used to suggest that when things seem to be at their worst and most difficult, it is often a sign that a positive change or breakthrough is about to happen

La hora más oscura es justo antes del amanecer.

La hora más oscura es justo antes del amanecer.

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every cloud has a silver lining

used to imply that even in difficult or negative situations, there is often something positive or hopeful to be found

No hay mal que por bien no venga

No hay mal que por bien no venga

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every day brings its bread (with it)

used to imply that one should focus on the present moment and not let concerns about what might happen in the future cause unnecessary stress or anxiety

cada día trae consigo su pan

cada día trae consigo su pan

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he that lives in hope dances to an ill tune

used to suggest that relying solely on hope without taking practical steps to achieve one's goals can lead to disappointment and negative outcomes

el que vive en la esperanza baila al son de una mala melodía

el que vive en la esperanza baila al son de una mala melodía

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in the end things will mend

used to imply that, despite the difficulties and challenges that one may face, there is hope for a positive outcome in the future with patience and perseverance

it is always darkest before the dawn

used to imply that things often appear at their worst just before a significant positive change or improvement occurs

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