
Comportamiento, Actitud y Enfoque - Rendición de cuentas y responsabilidad

Domina los proverbios ingleses que describen la rendición de cuentas y la responsabilidad, como "la vida es lo que tú haces" y "cada bañera debe sostenerse sobre su propio fondo".




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Behavior, Attitude, & ApproachViselkedés, Attitűd és Megközelítés
a fault confessed is half redressed

used to imply that by acknowledging and taking responsibility for one's fault, a person has already made progress towards resolving the issue

una falta confesada se repara a medias

una falta confesada se repara a medias

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accusing the times is but excusing ourselves

used to say that blaming external circumstances or conditions for one's failures or shortcomings is just a way of making excuses for one's lack of effort, skill, or commitment

Acusar a los tiempos no es más que excusarnos

Acusar a los tiempos no es más que excusarnos

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every bird must hatch her own egg

used to emphasize the importance of individuals taking responsibility for their own actions and outcomes

Cada pájaro debe incubar su propio huevo.

Cada pájaro debe incubar su propio huevo.

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everybody's business is (basically) nobody's business

used to emphasize the importance of clearly assigning responsibilities, as when no one takes ownership of a task or issue, it tends to be neglected or ignored

El asunto de todos es básicamente asunto de nadie.

El asunto de todos es básicamente asunto de nadie.

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success has many fathers, failure is an orphan

used to emphasize the importance of taking accountability in both success and failure, as people tend to claim credit for successes but disassociate themselves from failures

if you would be well served, (you might as well) serve yourself

used to suggest that people should do things for themselves, since they cannot always rely on others to do things exactly the way they want

Si quieres ser bien atendido, también podrías servirte a ti mismo.

Si quieres ser bien atendido, también podrías servirte a ti mismo.

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every tub must stand on its own bottom

used to emphasize that every person should be self-reliant and work toward achieving their own goals and meeting their own needs, rather than expecting others to do it for them

cada bañera debe sostenerse sobre su propio fondo

cada bañera debe sostenerse sobre su propio fondo

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every man is (meant to be) the architect of his own fortune

used as a reminder that individuals have the power to shape their own destiny through their choices and actions

Cada hombre debe ser el arquitecto de su propia fortuna.

Cada hombre debe ser el arquitecto de su propia fortuna.

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life is what you make it

used to emphasize that a person's life is largely determined by their own choices, actions, and attitudes

business before pleasure

used to advise individuals to prioritize their work or responsibilities before engaging in leisure activities or personal pursuits

negocios antes que placer

negocios antes que placer

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creditors have better memory than debtors

used to imply that people who are owed money are more likely to remember the debt and pursue the repayment while those who owe the money may be inclined to forget or delay the payment

with great power comes great responsibility

used to imply that individuals who hold significant power or influence have a corresponding obligation to use it in a responsible and ethical manner for the greater good

con un gran poder viene una gran responsabilidad

con un gran poder viene una gran responsabilidad

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the married man must turn his staff into a stake

used to emphasize the idea that once a person is married, they must prioritize and focus their efforts on providing for their family and fulfilling their obligations

el hombre casado debe convertir su cayado en un madero

el hombre casado debe convertir su cayado en un madero

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promise is a debt

used to imply that making a promise carries a moral obligation to fulfill it, similar to a financial debt that must be repaid

la promesa es una deuda

la promesa es una deuda

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a dog is for life, not just for Christmas

used to emphasize that owning a dog is a long-term commitment that requires love, care, and responsibility throughout its life, rather than just as a holiday gift

un perro es para toda la vida, no sólo para Navidad

un perro es para toda la vida, no sólo para Navidad

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