Comportament, Atitudine și Abordare - Speranță și perspectivă pozitivă
Explorați proverbe englezești care descriu speranța și o perspectivă pozitivă, inclusiv „nu este pierdut tot ceea ce este în pericol” și „cea mai întunecată oră este chiar înainte de zori”.
Fișe de studiu
said to suggest that there is potential for good or positive outcomes, even in the face of adversity
used to suggest that there is still hope for a situation or outcome that is at risk or in danger, emphasizing the importance of maintaining optimism and perseverance in difficult times
nu este pierdut tot ceea ce este în pericol
used to suggest that a good day or positive mindset can serve as a driving force for individuals to perform better and achieve success in their endeavors
used to suggest taking positive action, even if it is small, is more effective and productive than simply complaining or criticizing a situation without doing anything to improve it
mai bine să aprinzi o singură lumânare decât să blestești întunericul
used to suggest that when things seem to be at their worst and most difficult, it is often a sign that a positive change or breakthrough is about to happen
cea mai întunecată oră este chiar înainte de zori
used to imply that even in difficult or negative situations, there is often something positive or hopeful to be found
fiecare nor are contur de argint
used to imply that one should focus on the present moment and not let concerns about what might happen in the future cause unnecessary stress or anxiety
fiecare zi își aduce pâinea cu ea
used to suggest that relying solely on hope without taking practical steps to achieve one's goals can lead to disappointment and negative outcomes
cel care trăiește în speranță dansează pe o melodie proastă
used to imply that, despite the difficulties and challenges that one may face, there is hope for a positive outcome in the future with patience and perseverance
used to imply that things often appear at their worst just before a significant positive change or improvement occurs