Verbos de Desafío y Competencia - Verbos para fallar
Aquí aprenderás algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren al fracaso como "lose", "succumb" y "flunk".
Tarjetas de memoria
(of a play, motion picture, or new product) to fail to be of any success or produce the intended effect
fracasar, ser un fracaso
to fail in reaching the required standard to succeed in a test, course of study, etc.
to fail at accomplishing an obligation, particularly a financial one
no pagar
to experience financial failure or bankruptcy, often leading to the end or termination of a business or company
quebrar, ir a la quiebra
(of a deal, plan, arrangement, etc.) to fail to happen or be completed
to have a result contrary to what one desired or intended
salir el tiro por la culata
to surrender to someone's demands, wishes, or desires, often after a period of resistance
ceder, consentir
to experience defeat in a competition or conflict
ser derrotado, caer