Kihívás és Verseny Igék - A kudarc igék
Itt megtudhat néhány olyan angol igét, amelyek a kudarcra utalnak, mint például a "lose", "succumb" és "flunk".
to be unsuccessful in accomplishing something
megbukni, sikertelennek lenni
(of a play, motion picture, or new product) to fail to be of any success or produce the intended effect
megbukni, elhasalni
to fail in reaching the required standard to succeed in a test, course of study, etc.
megbukni, megbukik
to fail at accomplishing an obligation, particularly a financial one
elmulaszt, meghibás
to surrender to a superior force or influence
engedni, megadni magát
to make less progress than other competitors
lemaradni, hátrányba kerülni
to experience financial failure or bankruptcy, often leading to the end or termination of a business or company
csődbe menni, csődöt mondani
(of a deal, plan, arrangement, etc.) to fail to happen or be completed
meghiúsul, megbukik
to have a result contrary to what one desired or intended
fordítva sül el, ellentétes hatása van
to surrender to someone's demands, wishes, or desires, often after a period of resistance
megadni magát, engedni
to experience defeat in a competition or conflict
vereséget szenvedni, leesni