واژگان پیشرفته برای GRE - در سمت امن بمانید!
در اینجا با چند لغت انگلیسی در مورد خطر و ایمنی آشنا می شوید، مانند "hardy"، "plucky"، "wary" و غیره که برای آزمون GRE مورد نیاز است.
املای کلمه
afraid and cautious of the possible outcomes of an action, thus reluctant to take risks or action

محتاط, کمرو، بااحتیاط
(particularly of something unpleasant) likely to take place in the near future

قریبالوقوع, حتمی
very courageous and not afraid of situations that are dangerous

دلیر, خودسر، متهور، بیباک
the skill to stay calm when in a situation that is difficult or dangerous

خونسردی, تسلط بر نفس، حفظ آرامش
feeling or showing caution and attentiveness regarding possible dangers or problems

مراقب, حواسجمع، محتاط
a sudden or disastrous event that destroys or changes a whole region or system

تحول ناگهانی
an individual who acts as if they possess special qualities, knowledge, or skills

an individual who is passionate about a cause, particularly political, and urges others to take action toward said cause, normally leading to trouble

اغتشاشگر, آشوبگر، فتنهانگیز
a strategic action or remark that is used to gain an advantage, particularly in the early stages of a situation, game, conversation, etc.

ترفند, نقشه
a place that provides safety, peace, and favorable living conditions for humans or animals

پناهگاه امن
a thing that is used as an inferior and temporary substitute for something that is not available

وسیله کارراهانداز, چاره موقتی
a feeling or suspicion that something, particularly something unpleasant, is about to take place

دلواپسی, دلشوره
the act of hurting or damaging one's opponent or enemy in retaliation for the hurt or damage they inflicted upon one

تلافی (در جنگ), خونخواهی
to send a person or thing somewhere for a specific purpose

اعزام کردن, گسیل کردن، فرستادن
to deceive a person, often by hiding the truth or using clever tactics to mislead them

کسی را فریب دادن, کسی را اغفال کردن
to constantly chase, pressure, or follow someone to gain or achieve something

کسی را دنبال کردن, کسی را تعقیب کردن، آزردهخاطر کردن
to burst, fall, or collapse toward the inside violently

از درون متلاشی شدن, خاتمه یافتن
to make someone feel uneasy or anxious, disrupting their usual calm or confidence

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