صفات ویژگیهای اجتماعی انسان - صفت های وضعیت اجتماعی
این صفت ها موقعیت، رتبه یا جایگاه افراد را در یک سلسله مراتب یا سیستم اجتماعی توصیف می کنند.
املای کلمه
having special advantages or opportunities that are not available to everyone

دارای امتیاز یا حق ویژه, نازپرورده
worthy of esteem or admiration due to good character, behavior, or achievements

معقول, محترم

highly respected, admired, or valued by others for one's qualities, achievements, or contributions

معتبر, محترم

relating to a person who is not a member of the military or police force and does not hold an official position in the government

relating to individuals or families with moderate income and lifestyle situated between the wealthy and lower-income groups

طبقه متوسط, میانگروه

relating to those with the highest level of wealth and social status in society

طبقه بالا, اشرافی

relating to individuals or families who work in manual or non-managerial jobs, usually earning modest incomes and facing financial challenges

طبقه کارگری, کارگر

held against one's will and forced to work without freedom or rights, often enduring mistreatment and exploitation

بندانگشتی, در بند