Adjectifs des Attributs Physiques Humains - Adjectifs de poids
Ces adjectifs fournissent des informations sur le poids corporel d'une personne, indiquant sa taille, sa masse ou sa constitution physique.
(of people or animals) weighing much more than what is thought to be healthy for their body

weighing more than what is considered healthy or desirable for one's body size and build

en surpoids
extremely overweight, with excess body fat that significantly increases health risks

(of people or animals) weighing less than what is thought to be healthy for their body

having little weight or mass, making it easy to carry or move

léger, de peu de poids

extremely thin to the point where the outlines of one's bones are visible beneath one's skin

osseux, anguleux
very thin or pale in a way that is suggestive of an illness

cadavérique, cadavéreux