Adverbes de Manière Liés aux Humains - Adverbes d’audace
Ces adverbes sont utilisés pour décrire des actions ou des comportements grossiers ou moralement répréhensibles, tels que « outrageusement », « sans vergogne », « avec suffisance », etc.
in a manner characterized by directness and a lack of consideration
in a manner characterized by lack of politeness, discourtesy, or offensive behavior
in a manner characterized by fearlessness and a willingness to take risks
audacieusement,avec audace
with a lack of sensitivity or consideration
de manière flagrante,de façon éhontée
in a manner that shows one to be highly self-satisfied and arrogant
d'un air suffisant
in a manner characterized by a sense of superiority and pride
arrogamment,d'une manière arrogante
in a manner characterized by a primary concern for one's own interests, needs, or desires
in a way that openly disobeys rules or challenges established norms
in a way that takes advantage of favorable situations for personal gain