'Back', 'Through', 'With', 'At', और 'By' का उपयोग करने वाले फ्रेज़ल वर्ब्स - पुनर्स्थापित करना, लौटना, या प्रतिक्रिया देना (वापस)
समीक्षा करें
to respond to a person in authority, such as a parent or teacher, in a manner that is impolite or disrespectful

अनादरपूर्वक जवाब देना, अधिकारियों को जवाब देना

to make something or someone return or be returned to a particular place or condition

लौटा लाना, परिवर्तित करना

to return to a previous state or condition, often after a period of decline or loss

वापस आना, पुनः प्राप्त करना

to reverse one's direction and return along the same route, often to retrace one's steps or evade pursuers

वापस लौटना, पीछे मुड़ना

to respond to an email message by sending a reply or answer to the sender's original email address

ई-मेल का जवाब देना, ई-मेल वापस भेजना

(of movies, novels, etc.) to present a scene or sequence that depicts events in the past

फ्लैशबैक करना, पिछले घटनाओं को दिखाना

to have strong memories or emotions from the past come back suddenly and vividly

वापस आना, धारणा लौटना

to contact someone again later to provide a response or reply, often after taking time to consider or research the matter

फिर से संपर्क करना, वापस आना

to return something that was previously received from a specific person or thing, such as money

वापस देना, उदार करना

to return a call or call someone again because one was not available the first time they called

फिर से कॉल करना, कॉल वापस करना

to return something to its original location, owner, or starting point

वापस लेना, लौटना

to respond to someone by sending a text message

टेक्स्ट करके जवाब देना, संदेश द्वारा उत्तर देना