
Könyv: Headway - Haladó - 12. egység

Itt találja a Headway Intermediate tankönyv 12. részében található szókészletet, például "földelés", "veszekedés", "tiltakozás" stb.









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Headway - Intermediate
to approve

to officially agree to a plan, proposal, etc.

jóváhagy, engedélyez

jóváhagy, engedélyez

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to complain

to express your annoyance, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction about something

panaszkodni, óvni

panaszkodni, óvni

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to gossip

to talk about the private lives of others with someone, often sharing secrets or spreading untrue information

 pletykálni,  pletykázni

pletykálni, pletykázni

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to quarrel

to have a serious argument

veszekedni, vitatkozni

veszekedni, vitatkozni

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to yell

to shout very loudly

kiabálni, üvölteni

kiabálni, üvölteni

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to argue

to speak to someone often angrily because one disagrees with them

vitatkozni, érvelni

vitatkozni, érvelni

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to compliment

to tell a person that one admires something about them such as achievements, appearance, etc.

dícsérni, köszönetet mondani

dícsérni, köszönetet mondani

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to grumble

to complain quietly or softly, often in a way that others cannot hear or understand

morogni, zúgolódni

morogni, zúgolódni

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to recommend

to suggest to someone that something is good, convenient, etc.

ajánlani, javasolni

ajánlani, javasolni

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having a quality that is satisfying

jó, szép

jó, szép

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a suggestion or thought about something that we could do

ötlet, javaslat

ötlet, javaslat

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to disagree

to hold or give a different opinion about something

nem egyetérteni, eltérni

nem egyetérteni, eltérni

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related to society and the lives of its citizens in general

társadalmi, közösségi

társadalmi, közösségi

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the amount of space that a substance or object takes or the amount of space inside an object

térfogat, kapacitás

térfogat, kapacitás

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court of law

a place where legal disputes are resolved by a judge or judges using established legal procedures and rules

bíróság, jogszolgáltató

bíróság, jogszolgáltató

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to dislike

to not like a person or thing

nem szeretni, undorodni

nem szeretni, undorodni

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to like

to feel that someone or something is good, enjoyable, or interesting

kedvel, szeret

kedvel, szeret

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to ask

to use words in a question form or tone to get answers from someone

kérdezni, kérni

kérdezni, kérni

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to order

to ask for something, especially food, drinks, services, etc. in a restaurant, bar, or shop

rendelni, kérni

rendelni, kérni

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to speak

to use one's voice to express a particular feeling or thought

beszélni, kifejezni

beszélni, kifejezni

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to accuse

to say that a person or group has done something wrong

megvádol, vádol

megvádol, vádol

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to beg

to humbly ask for something, especially when one needs or desires that thing a lot

koldul, könyörög

koldul, könyörög

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to criticize

to judge something based on its positive or negative points

kritizálni, értékelni

kritizálni, értékelni

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to insist

to be persistent or unwavering in one's actions, beliefs, or behavior

ragaszkodik, kitart

ragaszkodik, kitart

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to scream

to make a loud, sharp cry when one is feeling a strong emotion

kiáltani, sikoltozni

kiáltani, sikoltozni

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to admit

to agree with the truth of something, particularly in an unwilling manner

beismerni, elismerni

beismerni, elismerni

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to chat

to send and receive messages on an online platform

csevegni, beszélgetni

csevegni, beszélgetni

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to deny

to refuse to admit the truth or existence of something

tagadni, megtagadni

tagadni, megtagadni

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to praise

to express admiration or approval toward something or someone

dicsérni, elismerni

dicsérni, elismerni

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to suggest

to mention an idea, proposition, plan, etc. for further consideration or possible action

javasol, ajánl

javasol, ajánl

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to advise

to provide someone with suggestion or guidance regarding a specific situation

tanácsolni, ajánlani

tanácsolni, ajánlani

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to command

to give an official order to a person or an animal to perform a particular task

parancsol, utasít

parancsol, utasít

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to discuss

to talk about something with someone, often in a formal manner

megbeszélni, tárgyalni

megbeszélni, tárgyalni

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to protest

to show disagreement by taking action or expressing it verbally, particularly in public

tiltakozni, ellene mondani

tiltakozni, ellene mondani

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to whisper

to speak very softly or quietly, usually to avoid being overheard by others who are nearby

suttogni, mormogni

suttogni, mormogni

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lunar module

a spacecraft designed for travel and operations on the surface of the moon, typically used as part of a lunar mission or expedition

holdmodul, lunar modul

holdmodul, lunar modul

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(often plural) a very poor and overpopulated area of a city or town in which the houses are not in good condition

nyomornegyed, slum

nyomornegyed, slum

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a person who is part of the team responsible for the operation, maintenance, and tasks associated with a vessel, such as a ship or boat

személyzet tagja, tengerész

személyzet tagja, tengerész

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matter of fact

something based on real facts, without any opinions or feelings


one's brother or sister

fivér, nővér

fivér, nővér

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a person who has the habit of drinking too much alcohol

alkoholista, alkoholbeteg személy

alkoholista, alkoholbeteg személy

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the act of an aircraft or spacecraft arriving on the ground or a solid surface

leszállás, megérkezés

leszállás, megérkezés

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extremely bad, unpleasant, or unacceptable in a way that deeply affects or offends the senses, emotions, or moral sensibilities

szörnyű, szörnyűséges

szörnyű, szörnyűséges

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the state of experiencing discomfort, distress, or hardship



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to cuddle

to hold close in one's arms or embrace affectionately, especially in a loving or comforting manner

ölelkezni, kedveskedni

ölelkezni, kedveskedni

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of, connected with, or affecting all the people in a society

közönségi, nyilvános

közönségi, nyilvános

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the way that someone or something looks



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tunnel vision

a condition in which someone can only see what is in front of them, due to their eyes are being damaged

alagútlátás, szűk látókör

alagútlátás, szűk látókör

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the view of the Earth rising above the horizon of the Moon, often seen from a spacecraft or lunar surface

Földkelte, Földemergálás

Földkelte, Földemergálás

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to offer

to present or propose something to someone

felajánlani, ajánlani

felajánlani, ajánlani

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to persuade

to make a person do something through reasoning or other methods

meggyőzni, rábeszélni

meggyőzni, rábeszélni

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to explain

to make something clear and easy to understand by giving more information about it

magyarázni, tisztázni

magyarázni, tisztázni

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to promise

to tell someone that one will do something or that a particular event will happen

ígérni, ígéretet tenni

ígérni, ígéretet tenni

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to ask

to use words in a question form or tone to get answers from someone

kérdezni, kérni

kérdezni, kérni

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to announce

to make plans or decisions known by officially telling people about them

bejelenteni, közölni

bejelenteni, közölni

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to encourage

to provide someone with support, hope, or confidence

bátorítani, támogatni

bátorítani, támogatni

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to invite

to make a formal or friendly request to someone to come somewhere or join something

meghív, hívni

meghív, hívni

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