
Könyv: Solutions - Haladó - 3. egység - 3A

Itt találja a Megoldások haladó tankönyvének 3. - 3A. részében található szókészletet, mint például: "sérteni", "szaggatott", "ütni" stb.









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behind one's back

without one knowing or approving

to hit it off

to quickly develop a positive connection with someone

on the same wavelength

used to say that one person has the same ideas, opinions, or mentality as another person

to keep track of somebody or something

to ensure that one has the latest news concerning someone or something

to friend

to add someone to the list of contacts on social media

barátként hozzáad, barátkozni

barátként hozzáad, barátkozni

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to be in touch

to be in contact with someone, particularly by seeing or writing to them regularly

to run into

to meet someone by chance and unexpectedly

összefutni, véletlenül találkozni

összefutni, véletlenül találkozni

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to drop

to end a connection or relationship with someone or something

megszakítani, leépíteni

megszakítani, leépíteni

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to bond

to develop a relationship with a person

kapcsolódni, kapcsolatot kialakítani

kapcsolódni, kapcsolatot kialakítani

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having knowledge or familiarity with someone or something

ismerős, tájékozott

ismerős, tájékozott

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to strike up

to begin something, particularly a conversation or relationship

megkezdeni, elkezdeni

megkezdeni, elkezdeni

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not able to be separated or detached



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to keep going

to continue moving forward or making progress without stopping

folytatni, továbbhaladni

folytatni, továbbhaladni

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to drift apart

to gradually become less close or connected, often due to a lack of shared interests or diverging paths

eltávolodni, szétválni

eltávolodni, szétválni

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to fall out

to no longer be friends with someone as a result of an argument

veszekedni, barátságot megszakítani

veszekedni, barátságot megszakítani

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to wreck

to damage or destroy something severely

rombolni, tönkretenni

rombolni, tönkretenni

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to spring-clean

to thoroughly clean and organize a space, typically done during the spring season

tavaszi nagytakarítást végezni, alaposan kitakarítani

tavaszi nagytakarítást végezni, alaposan kitakarítani

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an emotional state or sensation that one experiences such as happiness, guilt, sadness, etc.

érzelem, érzés

érzelem, érzés

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to aggrieve

to cause someone to feel distress or sorrow

szomorítani, bántani

szomorítani, bántani

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completely confused, puzzled or mystified by something

zavarodott, meglepett

zavarodott, meglepett

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experiencing great shock or sadness

pusztító, tönkrement

pusztító, tönkrement

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extremely excited and happy

extatikus, boldog

extatikus, boldog

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excited and happy because something has happened or is going to happen

derült, boldog

derült, boldog

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extremely shocked or surprised, to the point of becoming speechless

megdöbbent, zavarba ejtett

megdöbbent, zavarba ejtett

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experiencing great sadness, shock, or disappointment

szétrombolt, tönkretett

szétrombolt, tönkretett

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highly regarded or respected for one's achievements, qualities, or contributions

tisztelt, elismerés

tisztelt, elismerés

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preventing a substance such as liquid from passing through

átjárhatatlan, szigetelő

átjárhatatlan, szigetelő

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feeling very angry or shocked about something that is unfair or wrong

felháborodott, dühös

felháborodott, dühös

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confused or puzzled, often because of a complex or difficult situation or problem

zavarodott, zavart

zavarodott, zavart

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anxious or unsettled

nyugtalan, zavart

nyugtalan, zavart

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having special advantages or opportunities that are not available to everyone

privilegált, kedvezményezett

privilegált, kedvezményezett

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feeling so shocked or surprised that one is incapable of acting in a normal way

megdöbbent, megszédült

megdöbbent, megszédült

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(of a person) feeling anxious or worried

aggódó, nyugtalan

aggódó, nyugtalan

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not worried or interested in something

tétlen, érdektelen

tétlen, érdektelen

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the connection among two or more things or people or the way in which they are connected

kapcsolat, viszony

kapcsolat, viszony

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to go back a long way

to have a long history or past relationship with someone or something

ups and downs

a combination of both good things and bad things that can happen to one

to know somebody or something inside out

to have very good knowledge or understanding about someone or something

like a house on fire

used to describe a situation or activity that is developing with great intensity, speed, and success

to see eye to eye

to completely agree with someone and understand their point of view

to stick together

to remain united or connected as a group, especially in difficult situations

együtt maradni, összetartani

együtt maradni, összetartani

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through thick and thin

regardless of the difficulty or circumstances

(as) different as chalk and cheese

not in any way alike in character or quality

soft spot

a feeling of affection or vulnerability towards someone or something

gyengeség, érzelmesség

gyengeség, érzelmesség

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to sweep somebody off one's feet

to make someone have intense romantic feelings for one

head over heels

in a state of extreme excitement or confusion

on the rocks

(in reference to a business or relationship) in a difficult or troubled state, and may be at risk of falling apart

to break one's heart

to make someone who loves one go through deep emotional pain and sorrow

to patch up

to put an end to an argument with someone in order to make peace with them

helyrehozni, kibékíteni

helyrehozni, kibékíteni

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to tie the knot

to become someone's husband or wife in marriage

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