Kitap Solutions - İleri - Ünite 3 - 3A
Burada, İleri Düzey Çözümler ders kitabındaki Ünite 3 - 3A'daki "mağdur", "gobsmacked", "greft up" vb. gibi kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to quickly develop a positive connection with someone

iyi geçinmek, arası iyi olmak
used to say that one person has the same ideas, opinions, or mentality as another person

aynı düşüncelere sahip
to ensure that one has the latest news concerning someone or something

bir şey ya kişi hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak
to be in contact with someone, particularly by seeing or writing to them regularly

iletişim halinde olmak
to end a connection or relationship with someone or something

son vermek, bağlantıyı kesmek

to gradually become less close or connected, often due to a lack of shared interests or diverging paths

birisiyle olan bağı kopmak
to no longer be friends with someone as a result of an argument

araları açılmak, bozuşmak, kavga etmek
to thoroughly clean and organize a space, typically done during the spring season

bahar temizliği yapmak
an emotional state or sensation that one experiences such as happiness, guilt, sadness, etc.

highly regarded or respected for one's achievements, qualities, or contributions

müşerref, şanlı
confused or puzzled, often because of a complex or difficult situation or problem

kafası karışmış
having special advantages or opportunities that are not available to everyone

feeling so shocked or surprised that one is incapable of acting in a normal way

the connection among two or more things or people or the way in which they are connected

to have a long history or past relationship with someone or something

çok eskilere dayanmak
a combination of both good things and bad things that can happen to one

hayattaki iniş ve çıkışlar
to have very good knowledge or understanding about someone or something

çok iyi tanımak
used to describe a situation or activity that is developing with great intensity, speed, and success

en iyi şekilde
to completely agree with someone and understand their point of view

aynı fikirde olmak
to remain united or connected as a group, especially in difficult situations

bir arada kalmak
not in any way alike in character or quality

dağlar kadar farklı
to make someone have intense romantic feelings for one

ayaklarını yerden kesmek
(in reference to a business or relationship) in a difficult or troubled state, and may be at risk of falling apart

iyi gitmeyen
to make someone who loves one go through deep emotional pain and sorrow

kalp kırmak