Könyv: Insight - Középhaladó - 6. egység – 6A – 2. rész
Itt találja az Insight Pre-Intermediate tankönyv 6. – 6A. – 2. részében található szókincset, például „kiutasítás”, „erkölcstelen”, „fogvatartás” stb.
offering assistance or support, making tasks easier or problems more manageable for others

hasznos, segítőkész

not providing any assistance or useful help in making a situation better or easier

haszontalan, segítetlen

acting in a way that goes against accepted moral standards or principles

erkölcstelen, morálistalan

based on real-world experience and observation rather than theoretical knowledge

gyakorlati, valódi

following a pattern, especially one with fixed or uniform intervals

rendszeres, szokásos

not causing surprise or unexpectedness, usually because it was already known or predicted

nem meglepő, előre látható

the way that someone acts, particularly in the presence of others

viselkedés, magatartás

a person who likes to threaten, scare, or hurt others, particularly people who are weaker

zaklató, erőszakos

to win or gain an advantage in a game, competition, etc. by breaking rules or acting unfairly

csalni, becsapni

a type of punishment for students who have done something wrong and as a result, they cannot go home at the same time as others

fegyelmezés, büntetés

a message or sign given to someone to indicate that something dangerous, harmful, or undesirable may happen

figyelmeztetés, előrejelzés

to temporarily prevent someone from going to school as a punishment because they did something wrong

felfüggeszteni, ideiglenesen kizárni

to use offensive or vulgar language in order to express strong emotions

szitkozódni, káromkodni

to intentionally damage something, particularly public property

vandalizálni, megtörni

the act of making someone suffer because they have done something illegal or wrong

büntetés, szankció

lacking the ability to read and write in any language

írni-olvasni nem tudó, analfabéta