Absztrakt Emberi Tulajdonságok Melléknevei - A negatív átmeneti mentális állapotok melléknevei
Ezek a melléknevek átmeneti érzelmi vagy mentális élményeket írnak le, amelyek kényelmetlenséget vagy nyugtalanságot okoznak az egyénekben.
feeling so hopeless that one is willing to take any action, regardless of the possible consequences

kétségbeesett, kétségbeesett

experiencing or creating a sense of sadness or hopelessness in a situation or atmosphere

komor, barátságtalan

(of a person) inclined to speaking irritably or responding in a sharp or offensive manner

bántó, mérges

feeling tired, annoyed, or frustrated with a situation or person

elege van, felháborodott

mentally unstable or behaving erratically in a way that is unusual or extreme

zakkant, elmebeteg

having a preference or unfair judgment toward one side or viewpoint over others

elfogult, oldalhajló

greatly frightened and worried about something, in a way that is uncontrollable

őrült, sűrű

feeling unhappy or resentful because someone has something one wants

irigykedő, féltékeny

lacking strength or power, often feeling unable to act or influence a situation

tehetetlen, erőtlen

experiencing or displaying extreme and uncontrolled emotion, such as laughter or crying

hisztérikus, hisztéria (melléknév)

unable to concentrate or focus due to having one's attention drawn away by various thoughts or external interruptions

zavart, figyelmetlen

(of a person) having difficulty making choices or decisions, often due to fear, lack of confidence, or overthinking

határozatlan, tétovázó