Fizikai Emberi Tulajdonságok Melléknevei - Ideiglenes fizikai állapotok melléknevei
Ezek a jelzők a test állapotát vagy jellemzőit jelzik, amelyek változhatnak, például „éhes”, „fáradt”, „ébren” stb.
heavily affected or exited by a chemical substance, especially alcohol
részeg, drogos
having had too much alcohol and visibly affected by it
részeg, ittas
feeling calm and at ease without tension or stress
ellazult, pihent
affected by alcohol to the extent of being visibly intoxicated
részeg, ittas
feeling as if one is likely to vomit
hányingerezős, hányásra hajlamos
needing to sleep or rest because of not having any more energy
fáradt, kimerült
experiencing extreme exhaustion, often resulting from physical or mental exertion
fáradt, kimerült
(of a part of the body) not covered by any clothing
meztelen, fedetlen
wearing one or multiple items of clothing
öltözködő, ruhába öltözött
slightly drunk or intoxicated, often resulting in unsteady movements or a feeling of lightheadedness
kicsit részeg, enyhén ittas
under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the point of being unable to think or act clearly
részeg, ittas
experiencing a slight feeling of hunger, desiring a small snack
kicsit éhes, kicsit nasizni vágyó
feeling completely satisfied or full, especially after eating or drinking
jól lakott, elégedett
extremely thirsty or in need of liquid refreshment
szomjas, aszott