Általános Képzés IELTS (5-ös vagy Alacsonyabb Sáv) - Family
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót a családdal kapcsolatban, amelyek szükségesek a General Training IELTS vizsgához.
our sister or brother's son, or the son of our husband or wife's siblings
our sister or brother's daughter, or the daughter of our husband or wife's siblings
the man that is married to one's parent but is not one's biological father
the woman that is married to one's parent but is not one's biological mother
the daughter of one's stepfather or stepmother from a previous relationship
the son of one's stepfather or stepmother from a previous relationship
(Christianity) a man who promises to take care of a child and teach them about the religion at a baptism ceremony
(Christianity) a woman who, during a baptism ceremony, promises to take care of a child and teach them about the religion
a male child in the care of his godparents
keresztszülői fiú,keresztfiú