Algemene Training IELTS (Band 5 en Lager) - Family
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met Familie en die nodig zijn voor het General Training IELTS-examen.
our sister or brother's son, or the son of our husband or wife's siblings


our sister or brother's daughter, or the daughter of our husband or wife's siblings


the man that is married to one's parent but is not one's biological father

stiefvader, bonusvader

the woman that is married to one's parent but is not one's biological mother

stiefmoeder, vrouw van vader

the daughter of one's stepfather or stepmother from a previous relationship

stiefzus, stiefzuster

the son of one's stepfather or stepmother from a previous relationship

stiefbroer, halfbroer

a child of one's husband or wife from a former marriage

stiefkind, stiefzoon/stiefdochter

a brother that shares only one biological parent with one


a sister that shares only one biological parent with one


either of two children born at the same time to the same mother

tweeling, de tweeling

(Christianity) a man who promises to take care of a child and teach them about the religion at a baptism ceremony

peetvader, geestelijke gids

(Christianity) a woman who, during a baptism ceremony, promises to take care of a child and teach them about the religion
