Akadémiai IELTS (5-ös Sáv és Alatta) - Literature
Itt megtudhat néhány, az irodalommal kapcsolatos angol szót, amelyek szükségesek az alapfokú tudományos IELTS vizsgához.
a writer who explores characters, events, and themes in depth through long narrative stories, particularly novels

regényíró, regényes

a long written story that usually involves imaginary characters and places

regény, irodalmi mű

a written piece with particularly arranged words in a way that, usually rhyme, conveys a lot of emotion and style

vers, költészet

a written story that is meant to be performed on a stage, radio, or television

színdarab, dráma

a type of literature that gives information based on real events and facts

tényirodalom, nem fikciós irodalom

a complete story that is not long and can be read in a short time

novella, rövid történet

a play with sad events, especially one that the main character dies at the end


a genre that emphasizes humor and often has a happy or lighthearted conclusion

komédia, humoros műfaj

a movie, novel, or play in which a crime takes place, especially a murder, and the story starts unraveling as it goes on

rejtély, krimifilm

someone who is morally good, especially a character in a movie, play or book

jó karakter, helyes figura

a critical evaluation and analysis of a book's content, style, and merit, written with the intention of informing potential readers and providing feedback to the author

könyvkritika, könyvértékelés

a type of writing that uses special language, rhythm, and imagery to express emotions and ideas
