
الحيوانات - تشريح الطيور

هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات المتعلقة بتشريح الطيور باللغة الإنجليزية مثل "talon" و"beak" و"wing".




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Words Related to Animals

any of the two parts of the body of a bird, insect, etc. used for flying



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a membrane that connects the toes of certain aquatic birds, such as ducks and coots, enabling them to swim with greater ease

غشاء, خيوط

غشاء, خيوط

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a colorful and usually red lobe that hangs from the head or neck of a bird

لَبدة, جُريّة

لَبدة, جُريّة

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the rectum or external opening in some animals, such as a fish, bird, etc., through which waste is passed

فتحة, شرج

فتحة, شرج

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a long, sharp nail on the foot of some birds, especially birds of prey

مخلب, قفاز

مخلب, قفاز

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a pointed extension of bone that grows from the leg or foot and is used for defense, mating rituals, or establishing dominance within a social group

إبرة, شوكه

إبرة, شوكه

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wing tip

the outermost part of a bird's wing that includes the primary feathers and contributes to the bird's flight maneuverability and stability

طرف الجناح, نهاية الجناح

طرف الجناح, نهاية الجناح

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a decorative and frilled collar-like structure made of feathers or hair that encircles the neck of a bird

رافع, ياقة

رافع, ياقة

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the lower or upper part of a bird's beak

الفك, المنقار السفلي

الفك, المنقار السفلي

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the muscular part of a bird's digestive system with thick walls that grinds the food for a better digestion

معدة, حوصلة

معدة, حوصلة

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a prominent feature exhibited by some birds on their heads, consisting of feathers, fur, or skin

تاج, ريش

تاج, ريش

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a fleshy, often brightly colored, crest located on top of the head of certain bird species

القلنسوة, التموج

القلنسوة, التموج

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a distinct ring, band, or marking around the neck or throat area of an animal

طوق, قلادة

طوق, قلادة

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a fleshy, comb-like growth on top of the head of certain domestic roosters and other bird species

قمة الديك, تاج الدجاجة

قمة الديك, تاج الدجاجة

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the front part of a bird's or a mammal's body

صدر, ثدي

صدر, ثدي

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a hard curved jaw of a bird, especially a wide or slender one

منقار, فواتير

منقار, فواتير

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the hard or pointed part of a bird's mouth

منقار, لسان الطير

منقار, لسان الطير

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a Y-shaped bone between the neck and breast of a bird

عظمة الحظ, عظمة على شكل Y

عظمة الحظ, عظمة على شكل Y

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a sharp and curved nail on the toe of an animal or a bird

مخلب, ظفر

مخلب, ظفر

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the long erectile feather or hair in the neck area of some birds and mammals such as dogs

ريش قائم, شعر مرتفع

ريش قائم, شعر مرتفع

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a pouch in a bird's throat that is used for storing and digesting food

محجر, حبس

محجر, حبس

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the region of feathers covering the upper back, shoulders, and base of the wings

غطاء, ريش الظهر

غطاء, ريش الظهر

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covert feather

a type of small, fluffy feather that covers the base of a bird's larger flight feathers, providing insulation and helping to streamline the bird's wing shape

ريشة مغطاة, ريشة تغطية

ريشة مغطاة, ريشة تغطية

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flight feather

any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird

ريشة الطيران, ريشة الجناح

ريشة الطيران, ريشة الجناح

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the feathers on the underside of a bird's wing, which can have distinctive patterns and colors that are often visible in flight

ريشة تحت الجناح, تحت الجناح

ريشة تحت الجناح, تحت الجناح

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lesser coverts

the small feathers on a bird's wing that cover the larger feathers and help the bird fly better

ريش أقل, ريش صغير

ريش أقل, ريش صغير

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a small feather that covers the base of a bigger feather on the wings or tail, helping the bird to fly better by keeping it warm and streamlined

ريشة غطاء, ريشة مساعدة

ريشة غطاء, ريشة مساعدة

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a feather on the wing that helps with stability and maneuverability during flight. It's located between the flight feathers and the bird's body

ترتيال, ريشة ثلاثية

ترتيال, ريشة ثلاثية

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the main and longest feathers on a bird's wing that help it fly

الريشة الأساسية, الريشة الرئيسية

الريشة الأساسية, الريشة الرئيسية

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the lower part of the leg, located between the shank and the foot, providing support and flexibility for perching and walking

كاحل, جزء القدم السفلي

كاحل, جزء القدم السفلي

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a line of color that goes across or behind the eye of a bird, making the bird's eye and facial features more noticeable

شريط عين, خط عين

شريط عين, خط عين

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a glandular organ found in the digestive system of birds that functions in the initial breakdown of food before it enters the stomach

البُؤْبُؤُ المَقَاصَّة

البُؤْبُؤُ المَقَاصَّة

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