ACT Vizsga Szövegértés - Gyengeség és romlás
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót, amelyek a gyengeséggel és a romlással kapcsolatosak, mint például a „fojtás”, „incapacitate”, „sap” stb., amelyek segítenek az ACT-ben.
to gradually weaken or worsen in condition or performance
romlani, csökkenni
to gradually drain or deplete someone's power or strength
meggyengít, kimerít
to diminish in intensity, visibility, or prominence
csökken, visszahúzódik
to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone
aláásni, gyengíteni
to decline, weaken, or deteriorate, often in terms of strength, vitality, or overall condition
elgyengül, elhervad
to make something unable to work properly
kizárni, működésképtelenné tenni
to reduce the quality or effectiveness of something
degradálni, csökkenteni
to make something less forceful, potent, or intense by adding additional elements or substances
hígítani, gyengíteni
to gradually decrease in intensity, strength, importance, size, influence, etc.
csökken, gyengül
to make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse or more severe
rosszabbá tenni, fokozni
to suppress, restrain, or hinder the growth, development, or intensity of something
elnyomni, elfojtani
easily hurt, often due to weakness or lack of protection
sebezhető, védtelen
likely to break due to the lack of strength or durability
gyenge, törékeny
lacking strength or power, often feeling unable to act or influence a situation
tehetetlen, erőtlen
easily broken, cracked, or shattered due to the lack of flexibility and resilience
törékeny, romlékony
an existing weakness or fault in someone or something
hiány, hibáság
a physical or mental condition that prevents a person from using some part of their body completely or learning something easily
rokkantság, fogyatékosság
a flaw or weakness that reduces the quality or effectiveness of something or someone
hiányosság, gyengeség
a flaw or deficiency that impairs the quality or effectiveness of something
hiba, romlás